Friday, September 30, 2011

I made it here.....

I had been blogging on Delphi, but decided to move my blogging to this new site.   I hope my friends and family will follow me here.  So for old friends and new friends, Welcome to my world...  please check back as I begin to fill these pages.

Angel welcomes you as well...  

1 comment:

Ed I said...

Welcome aboard. I think you will like it here. I moved my Blog to Blogspot back in '06 or '07...can't remember exactly. I've followed you off and on since the blogs started on your flower pictures. Been a long time follower of LRuther, Bud Lorimar, and Cynde. Fran of Fran-justFran moved her blog here two years ago also but went on hiatus back in the Spring.