Saturday, October 1, 2011

Good Morning First Day in October

Wow... I can't believe we are in the last quarter of the year.  Time sure flies by.   Let's keep the support up for the RAYS!  Go guys, you are doing great! 

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It was 69 degrees this morning when Angel and I took our morning walk.  It felt so good with relatively no humidity.   They say tomorrow morning will be cooler.   It is a pleasant change from the heat.  My gardens are loving it.  All the plants look happy and perky. 

We have been enjoying so many butterflies in the gardens, but our state butterfly, the Zebra Longwing, has been noticeably absent.   None of us can understand why this has happened this year.   My gardens are filled with host and nectar plants for the butterflies.   I was quite pleased when I found a Monarch caterpillar on my milkweed, but I have not seen it since.   I'm wondering if he became supper for one of the birds.


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